Personal Stories

Story Central is a place to read stories from real families about real experiences of loving a child or youth with special health care needs. Opinions and ideas expressed in materials published in Story Central do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Medical Home Portal. Subtopics included are:

What's In a Story?

With stories, you can learn how others have faced similar challenges, how their children and families have grown, and what they have learned. This is a place for inspiration when you need a break from insurance forms or research; a place that might remind you that you’re not alone.

We invite you to find a different perspective, the inside scoop, the personal anecdote, the quiet reflection, or some honest encouragement. We hope Story Central will be a part of your supportive community.

This is also a place to share our experiences. If you have a positive story to tell about life with your child, we’d love to read it and share it with others. We encourage you to include a related photo or drawing with your story using the Feedback form.

Authors & Reviewers

Initial publication: February 2014; last update/revision: August 2019
Current Authors and Reviewers:
Author: Shena McAuliffe, MFA
Reviewer: Mindy Tueller, MS, MCHES
Authoring history
2014: first version: Tina PerselsR; Gina Pola-MoneyR
AAuthor; CAContributing Author; SASenior Author; RReviewer